Tax Resources
Tax Resources for Employees
The tax filing information on this page is provided for your convenience. Every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy. It is not intended to be a complete representation of all the income tax forms and regulations pertinent to the students, faculty, staff and other individuals with whom the University System may have a relationship. Please note that current forms and resources have been included if available. Some forms on this page may not yet be updated by external agencies. As the University does not provide tax advice, the University disclaims all liability from the misinterpretation or misuse of these materials.
The University of Wisconsin does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the provision of programs, services or employment. If you need this printed material in a different form, or if you need assistance in using these services, contact your human resources office.
Tax Statements
- Federal Form W-2
Available in, see View/Print Form W-2
Explanation of the W-2 · W-2 Overview and Earnings Statement Comparison
Individuals who receive reportable earned income will receive a W-2 from each employer.
- Federal Form 1042-S
Available* in, see Explanation of the 1042-S
*Foreign Nationals may receive a Form 1042-S if they received a scholarship/fellowship stipend, tax treaty benefit, or other payments under income codes 12, 16, 17, 19, 20, or 23. Form 1042-S is only available to these employees by logging into their Glacier accounts:
- Fellowship/Scholarship Information Letter
Available in, see View/Print Fellowship Letter
Explanation of the Fellowship/Scholarship Information Letter
Advanced Opportunity Fellow; Fellow; Grad Intern or Trainee; Post-Doc Fellow, Scholar or Trainee; Scholar; Trainee will receive an Information Letter. (Nonresident Aliens receiving a stipend on income code 16 and others who had tax withheld on scholarship/fellowship stipends will receive a 1042-S). For more resources, visit IRS Tax Information for Students.
- Employee Earning Statements
Available* in, see Access Your Earning Statement
Employee Earning Statements for biweekly pay periods include Current and YTD (Year To Date) Tax Wage and Deduction amounts by tax category.
Duplicate Tax Statements
- Duplicate Tax Statement Request
Tax statements (W-2, 1042-S and Fellowship Tax Letter) for previous years are available in Only complete a Duplicate Tax Statement Request if a tax statement is not available in My UW System.
Federal Tax Contact Information
Wisconsin Tax Contact Information
Tax Forms, Instructions and Resources
What is your tax payer status?
Refer to the tax resources listed below under the tab that best describes your tax payer status.
If you need help determining your status, please see Topic No. 851, Resident and Nonresident Aliens.
U.S. Citizens, Permanent Residents (Green Card Holders), Resident Aliens for Tax Purposes
Federal Tax
You may file an income tax return. Please carefully read the instructions to determine which forms and additional requirements apply to you.
- U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
Form 1040 · Instructions · Schedules· Additional Resources
- Employee's Withholding Certificate
- Employee Self-Service
Available* in, see instructions for updating Federal Form W-4 and/or State withholding: Tipsheet · Video
*The Employee Self Service W4 page will be read only if any of the following criteria are met:
- Report taxes as a foreign national.
- Have a tax status of "No Taxable Gross; No Tax Taken." If the Federal section or State section do not have this status, that section can be updated.
- Have a lock-in letter on file.
Selected Federal Resources
State Tax
You may file state income tax return(s) for each state in which you resided and/or earned income. Please carefully read each state's instructions to determine which forms and additional requirements apply to you.
Selected Wisconsin Resources
Other States
- Other state tax information is found below.
Nonresident Aliens for Tax Purposes
Visit Tax Preparation Assistance for Nonresident Aliens for additional information and resources available for filing nonresident tax returns.
Non Resident Aliens should update all of their tax status changes in Glacier, you will not have access to the Self-Service Form W-4.
Federal Tax
You may be required to file an annual U.S. Nonresident Alien Income tax return. Please carefully read the instructions to determine whether you must file and which forms and additional requirements apply to you.
- U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return
Form 1040NR · Instructions · Additional Resources
Form 1040-NR Schedules
Schedule A · Schedule NEC · Schedule OI · Additional Schedules for Form 1040-NR
- Statement for Exempt Individuals and Individuals With a Medical Condition (For use by alien individuals only.)
Form 8843 · Where to File · Additional Resources
This statement must be submitted by Nonresident Aliens, their spouses, and dependents present in the U.S. under F, J, M, or Q immigration status even if they had no income from U.S. sources. This is not a tax return, but an informational statement required by the U.S. government. Nonresident Aliens who are required to file an income tax return should attach Form 8843 to their return. Individuals not required to file an income tax return should mail Form 8843 separately.
Selected Federal Resources
- International Individual Taxpayers
Tax Information for U.S. Citizens, Resident Aliens Abroad, Foreign Persons, and U.S. Territory Taxpayers.
State Tax
You may be required to file a state income tax return for each state in which you resided and/or earned income during the calendar year. Please carefully read the instructions on each state's revenue website to determine whether you must file and which forms and additional requirements apply to you.
- Wisconsin Income Tax, Nonresident & Part-Year Resident
WI Form 1NPR (2022) · Instructions · Additional Resources
- Tax Information for Part-Year Residents and Nonresidents of Wisconsin (including information for Aliens)
Publication 122 (3/23): This document outlines state requirements for part-year residents and nonresidents of Wisconsin.
The section pertaining to Nonresident Aliens begins on?page 35.
Other States
- Other state tax information is found below. Non Resident Aliens will be defaulted to State of Wisconsin withholding.
State Tax Resources
Consider using online employee self service to enter both your federal and state withholding information.
- Employee Self-Service
Available* in, see instructions for updating Federal Form W-4 and/or State withholding: Tipsheet · Video
*The Employee Self Service W4 page will be read only if any of the following criteria are met:
- Report taxes as a foreign national.
- Have a tax status of "No Taxable Gross; No Tax Taken." If the Federal section or State section do not have this status, that section can be updated.
- Have a lock-in letter on file.
If employee self service is not an option for you, locate your state information below. UW System is registered to withhold state taxes for employees who live and/or work in the states listed under the Registered States tab. For all other states, see the Unregistered States tab.
Registered States: Tax Withholding Resources
UW System is registered to withhold state taxes for employees who live and/or work in the states listed below. For all other states, see the Unregistered States tab.
Unregistered States
UW System does not currently withhold income tax for unregistered states and cannot accept their withholding forms at this time. Please work with the state authority directly.
Employees may complete the Form W-4 supplemental and submit it to their campus human resources office human resources office to define their work location.
Unregistered States
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Delaware
- Florida
- Hawaii
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Maryland
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Puerto Rico
- Rhode Island
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Vermont
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wyoming