Benefit Plan Premiums

Health Insurance

2024 Premiums

2024 Biweekly Contribution for University and Academic Staff
Regular HMO and PPO Plans High Deductible Health Plans(HDHP)
With Dental
Without Dental
With Dental
Without Dental
With Dental
Without Dental
With Dental
Without Dental
Tier 1 $57.50 $56.00 $143.00 $138.00 $21.00 $19.50 $53.50 $48.50
Tier 3 $135.00 $133.50 $336.50 $331.50 $98.50 $97.00 $247.00 $242.00

2024 Biweekly Contribution for UW Graduate Assistants
With Dental
Without Dental
With Dental
Without Dental
Tier 1 $29.50 $28.00 $74.00 $69.00
Tier 3 $68.25 $66.75 $170.75 $165.75

Historical Premiums

Dental Insurance

2024 Dental Wisconsin Insurance - Active Employees (biweekly premium)
Plan Employee Employee + Spouse Employee + Child(ren) Family
Supplemental Dental - PPO Select $4.54 $9.08 $6.12 $10.88
Supplemental Dental - PPO Plus Premier Select Plus $10.80 $21.61 $20.06 $33.10

Preventive Dental

2024 Preventive Dental (biweekly premium)
Plan Rate
Employee $18.05
Family $45.14

Historical Premiums

Vision Insurance

Premiums are deducted one month in advance of the month of coverage.

2022 Delta Vision Plan Biweekly Premiums
Employee Employee + Spouse Employee + Child(ren) Employee + Family
$2.86 $5.71 $6.44 $10.29

Historical Premiums

Life Insurance

Accidental Death & Dismemberment · Accident Insurance · Individual and Family Group Life · State Group Life · University Insurance Association (UIA) · UW Employees, Inc. Life

Life Insurance Premium Comparison Chart

Accidental Death & Dismemberment

Premiums are paid one month in advance of the month of coverage.

AD&D Biweekly Premium per Principal Sum Elected
Principal Sum Elected Employee Only Premium Family Plan Premium
$25,000 $0.37 $0.55
$50,000 $0.73 $1.10
$100,000 $1.45 $2.20
$150,000 $2.18 $3.30
$200,000 $2.90 $4.40
$250,000 $3.63 $5.50
$300,000 $4.35 $6.60
$350,000 $5.08 $7.70
$400,000 $5.80 $8.80
$450,000 $6.53 $9.90
$500,000 $7.25 $11.00

Historical Premiums

Accident Insurance

Coverage Biweekly Premium
employee $1.86
spouse $2.66
child $3.59
family $5.24

Historical Premiums

Individual and Family Group Life Insurance

  • Initial Premium Determination: The premium for employee and spouse coverage is determined by the employee's age as of January 1 of the current year (year in which coverage is effective).
  • Annual Premium Review: Premiums are reviewed each year and may change based on the employee's age and coverage amount. The premium for employee and spouse coverage is determined by the employee's age as of January 1 of the plan year. Premium changes, if any, are effective for January coverage. Premiums are deducted one month in advance of coverage.

Premiums are based on the cost per $1000 of coverage. A premium calculator is available to help you determine your exact premium. Child coverage insures all children with the same coverage amount for one biweekly premium.

Cost per $1000 of Coverage for Employee and Spouse
Employee Attained Age Employee Spouse
27 or less 0.010 0.020
28 - 30 0.010 0.020
31 - 33 0.020 0.030
34 - 36 0.020 0.030
37 - 39 0.020 0.040
40 - 42 0.030 0.050
43 - 45 0.050 0.080
46 - 48 0.070 0.100
49 - 51 0.090 0.140
52 - 54 0.120 0.180
55 - 57 0.160 0.260
58 - 60 0.200 0.310
67 - 69 0.560 0.750
70 - 72 0.860 1.170
72 - 74 1.230 1.670

Biweekly Premiums for Employee and Spouse Coverage
Employee Attained Age Employee Spouse
$5000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $5000 $10,000
27 or younger $0.23 $0.18 $0.12 $0.06 $0.09 $0.18
28 - 30 $0.25 $0.19 $0.13 $0.07 $0.10 $0.20
31 - 33 $0.32 $0.24 $0.16 $0.08 $0.13 $0.25
34 - 36 $0.37 $0.28 $0.19 $0.10 $0.15 $0.30
37 - 39 $0.45 $0.34 $0.23 $0.12 $0.18 $0.36
40 - 42 $0.68 $0.51 $0.34 $0.17 $0.27 $0.54
43 - 45 $1.08 $0.81 $0.54 $0.27 $0.43 $0.86
46 - 48 $1.30 $0.98 $0.65 $0.33 $0.52 $1.04
49 - 51 $1.81 $1.36 $0.91 $0.46 $0.72 $1.44
52 - 54 $2.32 $1.74 $1.16 $0.58 $0.93 $1.85
55 - 57 $3.23 $2.43 $1.62 $0.81 $1.29 $2.57
58 - 60 $4.03 $3.03 $2.02 $1.01 $1.56 $3.11
61 - 63 $5.56 $4.17 $2.78 $1.39 $1.94 $3.87
64 - 66 $7.99 $6.00 $4.00 $2.00 $2.70 $5.40
67 - 69 $11.17 $8.38 $5.59 $2.80 $3.76 $7.52
70 - 72 $17.24 $12.93 $8.62 $4.31 $5.83 $11.66
72 - 74 $6.17 $12.33 $18.50 $24.66 $8.33 $16.65

Biweekly Premium Table for Child Coverage
Amount of Insurance Biweekly Premium
$2,500 $0.09
$5,000 $0.18
$7,500 $0.27
$10,000 $0.35

Historical Premiums

State Group Life Insurance Biweekly

Premiums are deducted one month in advance of the month of coverage. Employee premium rates are based on the employee's age as of April 1 for initial enrollment. The employee's age on April 1 is also used for the annual update. When an active employee reaches age 70, Basic coverage continues at a reduced level without premium, Supplemental coverage ceases and the Additional coverage continues.

Basic/Supplemental/Additional Coverage Biweekly Premium Rates
Age As of April 1 Basic and Supplemental
Rate per $1000
Rate per $1000
Spouse and Dependent Coverage
Under age 30 0.03 0.04

One Unit of Coverage:
$2.26 per $10,000 Spouse/DP and $5000 for each child.

30-34 0.03 0.04
35-39 0.03 0.04
40-44 0.04 0.06

Two Units of Coverage:
$4.52 per $20,000 Spouse/DP and $10,000 for each child.

45-49 0.06 0.09
50-54 0.10 0.15
55-59 0.14 0.20
60-64 0.18 0.28
65-69 0.24 0.35
70+ 0 See Table Below

Over Age 70 Additional Coverage
Age as of April 1 Rate per $1000
70 0.5
71 0.58
72 0.63
73 0.73
74 0.80
75 0.90
76 0.98
89 1.03
90+ Available upon request

Historical Premiums

University Insurance Association (UIA) Life Insurance

The annual premium is deducted from your January earnings.

University Insurance Association Schedule of Benefits/Coverage Amounts
Age as of Jan 1 Premium Benefit Amount
Under 28 $38.40 $101,000
28 - 29 - 30 $98,100
31 - 32 - 33 $90,900
34 - 35 - 36 $78,900
37 - 38 - 39 $65,000
40 - 41 - 42 $50,900
43 - 44 - 45 $39,100
46 - 47 - 48 $30,000
49 - 50 - 51 $22,600
52 - 53 - 54 $17,200
55 - 56 - 57 $13,100
58 - 59 - 60 $10,300
61 - 62 - 63 $8,200
64 - 65 - 66 $6,100
67 - 68 - 69 $4,500
69 - 70 - 71 $3,400

Historical Premiums

UW Employees, Inc. Life Insurance

Rates for employees are based on the employee's age as of January 1 of the current calendar year. Premium changes based on the employee's calendar year age will take effect on December payrolls for January coverage.

UW Employees, Inc. Premium Table — Premium and Coverage Amounts
Employee Age Coverage Amount Biweekly Premium
under 35 $33,000 0.37
35 - 39 $28,000 0.48
40 - 44 $25,000 0.60
45 - 49 $18,000 0.75
50 - 54 $15,000 0.90
55 - 59 $13,000 1.43
60 - 64 $12,000 1.63
65 and over $7,000 1.13

Historical Premiums